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Privacy Policy

Through this Privacy Policy, the user is informed in a clear, precise and concise manner. If the user accepts it, they will give us their consent in a free, informed, specific and unequivocal manner for Ludi Artis to process personal data, in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 regarding the protection of natural persons, through the processing of your personal data and its free circulation (RGPD) and Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (LOPDGDD) (current European and national legislation on data protection matters ).



1. Basic information on data protection


  • Controller: David Vallès Ferrer
  • Purposes of processing: Response to queries and doubts, provision of the service and possible sending of information about products and services.

  • Legitimation: Consent of the interested party (article 6.1.a of the RGPD) Contractual relationship with the interested party (article 6.1.b of the RGPD)</ li>
  • Recipients: No data will be transferred to third parties. The following may have access: tax administration, banks and financial entities, security forces and bodies, those in charge of the processing necessary to provide the service.
  • Rights and additional information: The exercise of the rights of access, rectification or deletion, among others, is permitted. All information is accessible in the detailed information of this privacy policy.


2. Detailed information on data protection

2. 2.1. Who is responsible for the treatment?


The identifying data of the Data Controller appears in section 1.

2.2.2 What information do we collect and process from the user through the website?


  • Through the Contact form: On our website you will find the option to write to us to clarify any doubts you may have regarding the operation of our products/services or anything else you need. To respond, we will contact you via email or telephone number, if you have indicated it to us.
  • Through our corporate email: Through our email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. you can write to us and/or request the information you you consider necessary to clear up any doubts related to our services.


If the user provides us with third-party data, they will assume the responsibility of having previously informed them and having their consent, in accordance with article 14 of the RGPD.


By providing us with their data through electronic channels, the user guarantees that they are over 18 years of age and that the
data provided to Ludi Artis is true, accurate , complete and updated. To this end, the user confirms that he is responsible for the veracity of the data communicated and that he will keep this information conveniently updated so that it responds to his real situation, taking responsibility for any false and inaccurate data that he may provide, as well as of damages and losses, direct or indirect, that may arise from them.


2.2.3 For what purpose do we process the user's personal data?


Ludi Artis processes personal data for the purposes set out below, depending on the reason for which they have been provided:


  1. Carry out the provision of the contracted products/services, maintain the contractual relationship and monitor it.
  2. Contact, process, manage and respond to the user's request, request, incident or query (whether through email, contact form or telephone).
  3. Manage the customer's purchasing process and any queries associated with the contracted products/services.
  4. Manage, where appropriate, the sending of information about products, services and news associated with Ludi Artis by electronic and/or conventional means.


2.2.4 What is the legitimacy of the processing of user data?


  • The legal basis for the processing of your personal data for the purposes set out in the previous section is the execution of the provision of the corresponding service, and it is an imperative obligation for this , as established in article 6.1,b) of the RGPD.
  • Regarding the sending of information about products, services and news associated with Ludi Artis, the legal basis for the processing of the personal data provided is the consent granted by the user expressly, as established in article 6.1, a) of the RGPD.


2.2.5 For how long will the user's personal data be processed?


  • The data for the management of the relationship with the client and the billing and collection of services will be kept for as long as the contract is in force. Once this relationship has ended, where applicable, the data may be kept for the time required by applicable legislation and until any responsibilities arising from the contract expire.
  • The data for the management of queries and requests will be kept for the time necessary to provide a response, and, where appropriate, as long as the interested party does not request the withdrawal of their consent. to send you information related to your query.
  • The data used to send information associated with Ludi Artis products or services will be kept as long as the user does not revoke their consent.


2.2.6 To which recipients will the user's personal data be communicated?


As a general rule, your data will not be transferred to third parties unless there is a legal obligation or it is necessary to carry out the provision of the service. Keeping this in mind:


  • The user's personal data could be communicated to the financial entities through which the management of collections and payments is articulated.
  • Only in legally necessary cases, the data will be communicated to the State security forces and bodies.
  • They could also be communicated to the competent public administrations in the cases provided for by Law.
  • If applicable, they will also be communicated to the Ludi Artis Data Processors for the correct provision of the service.


Exceptionally, the emails collected in the games of the Gamified Route of the Landscape of Geniuses will be transferred to the museums linked to this network to make use of artistic photography in social networks and for loyalty reasons.


2.2.7 What are the rights of users?


Data protection regulations allow you to exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion and portability of data and opposition and limitation to its processing, as well as not be subject to decisions based solely on the automated processing of your data, where applicable.

These rights are characterized by:


  • Its exercise is free of charge, except in the case of manifestly unfounded or excessive requests (e.g. repetitive nature), in which case Ludi Artis may charge a proportional fee to the administrative costs incurred or refuse to act.
  • You can exercise your rights directly or through your legal or voluntary representative.
  • We must respond to your request within one month, although, taking into account the complexity and number of requests, the deadline may be extended by a further two months .
  • We have the obligation to inform you about the means to exercise these rights, which must be accessible and without being able to deny you the exercise of the right for the sole reason of choosing another means. If the request is submitted by electronic means, the information will be provided by these means when possible, unless you request us to do otherwise.
  • If Ludi Artis does not give free rein to the request, it will inform you, within one month at the latest, of the reasons for its non-action and the possibility of complaining to a Control Authority.


To exercise your rights Ludi Artis puts at your disposal the following means:


  1. By written and signed request addressed to Ludi Artis. Ref. Exercise of LOPD Rights.
  2. Sending a scanned and signed form to the email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. indicating in the subject Exercise of LOPD Rights.


En ambos casos, deberá acreditar su identidad acompañante fotocopia o, en su caso, copia escaneada, de su DNI o documento equivalente para poder verificar que sólo damos respuesta a el interesado o su representante legal, debiendo aportar en este caso documento acreditativo de la representación.


Asimismo, y especialmente si considera que no ha obtenido plena satisfacción en el ejercicio de sus derechos, le informamos que podrá presentar una reclamación ante la autoridad nacional de control dirigiéndose a estos efectos a la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (AEPD), C/ Jorge Juan, 6 – 28001 Madrid (


2.2.8 ¿Qué medidas de seguridad tenemos implementadas?


En Ludi Artis nos comprometemos a proteger su información personal.


Utilizamos medidas, controles y procedimientos de carácter físico, organizativo y tecnológico, razonablemente fiables y efectivos, orientados a preservar la integridad y la seguridad de sus datos y garantizarlos la privacidad.


Además, todo el personal con acceso a los datos personales ha sido formado y tiene conocimiento de sus obligaciones en relación con los tratamientos de los datos personales.


En el caso de los contratos que suscribimos con nuestros proveedores incluimos cláusulas en las que se les exige mantener el deber de secreto respecto a los datos de carácter personal a los que hayan tenido acceso en virtud del encargo realizado, así como implantar las medidas de seguridad técnicas y organizativas necesarias para garantizar la confidencialidad, integridad, disponibilidad y resiliencia permanentes de los sistemas y servicios de tratamiento de los datos personales.


Todas estas medidas de seguridad son revisadas de forma periódica para garantizar su adecuación y efectividad.


Sin embargo, la seguridad absoluta no se puede garantizar y no existe ningún sistema de seguridad que sea impenetrable por lo que, en el caso de cualquier información objeto de tratamiento y bajo nuestro control se ve comprometida como consecuencia de una brecha de seguridad, tomaremos las medidas adecuadas para investigar el incidente, notificarlo a la Autoridad de Control y, en su caso, a aquellos usuarios que se hubieran podido ver afectados para que tomen las medidas adecuadas.


2.2.9 Política en las redes sociales


Ludi Artis dispone de un perfil corporativo en las redes sociales de Instagram, Facebook y Google.


Por tanto, Ludi Artis es el Responsable del tratamiento de tus datos en virtud de la existencia de estos perfiles en las redes sociales y ante el hecho de que nos sigas y en virtud de esto también podamos seguirte. Esto significa que si decides unirte a nuestro perfil corporativo como un seguidor o dando un “Like” o un “Me gusta” a nuestros contenidos o perfil, aceptas esta política, dónde te explicamos tus derechos y cómo utilizamos tus datos.


En calidad de responsable del tratamiento de sus datos, garantizamos la confidencialidad en el tratamiento y el cumplimiento de sus derechos, siempre bajo los efectos de la normativa vigente sobre protección de datos.


Por otra parte, le informamos que utilizaremos estas redes sociales para anunciar las noticias o información relevante relacionada con los servicios que ofrecemos, o bien sobre temas que consideramos sean de su interés. Usando las funcionalidades de estas plataformas, es posible que recibas en tu muro o en tu perfil noticias con este tipo de información.


Ahora bien, también te informamos que no hay ningún enlace entre Ludi Artis y estas plataformas o redes sociales, por lo que aceptarás su política de uso y condiciones una vez accedas a las mismas y/o valides sus avisos y términos y condiciones en el procedimiento de registro, y Ludi Artis no es responsable del uso o tratamiento de tus datos que se haga fuera de la estricta relación y prestación de servicios indicados en esta política.




Os advertimos que Ludi Artis es titular de todos los derechos de la propiedad intelectual e industrial de la página web, así como todos sus elementos (a título enunciativo: imágenes, sonido, audio, vídeo, software o textos, marcas o logotipos, combinaciones de colores, estructura y diseño, selección de materiales usados, programas de ordenador necesarios para su funcionamiento, acceso y uso, etc.)


La página web de Ludi Artis contiene textos que pretenden informar a los usuarios. Cualquier error u omisión al contenido generado no hará responsable en ningún caso a Ludi Artis.